Enduro 3e Series


Printer Model Variants

  • Enduro3E Uno – 3633-3001
  • Enduro3E Uno Mag – 3633-3002
  • Enduro3E Uno Smart – 3633-3005
  • Enduro3E Uno Smart Mag – 3633-3006
  • Enduro3E Duo – 3633-3021
  • Enduro3E Duo Mag – 3633-3022
  • Enduro3E Duo Smart – 3633-3025
  • Enduro3E Duo Smart Mag – 3633-3026

Follow these steps to get started with the Enduro3e Printer

1) Information on unboxing and setup

Read the following guides to learn how to setup and use your new printer.

User manual

Online webhelp


2) Update and Install the latest printer drivers

Visit our support website to download the latest version of our the printer driver.

Get the latest Windows printer drivers from our support website

Get the latest MacOS printer rivers from our support website


3) Update and install the latest printer  Firmware if required

Your printer should come with the latest available Firmware but incase you need to update please visit our support website.

Get the latest firmware from our support website 


4) Advanced support and configuration

Use the Magicard support utility to help setup Ethernet setting for the first time

Magicard support utility  


5) If you need  design software try TrustID by CardExchange

If you don’t already have ID card design and issuance software we recommend TrustID by CardExchange

Download a 42 day free trial of our TrustID card design and issuance software 


6) Register your printer to activate your warranty

We highly recommend you register your printer, this will activate your warranty and help if you ever require technical support.

Register your printer to activate your printers warranty